On December 29th Piper Elizabeth Hedlund will be ONE year old. I can't believe it. Everyone tells you that it goes by so fast, but you don't believe them. It really does. I can;t believe that last year at this time I had never met her. My life is soooo much better with her in it. She is my miracle and I love her more everyday. I love being her mommy. There is nothing else in the world that I would want to do.
I was going to wait till her actul birthday to post this, but our week is insane starting tomorrow. We have a wedding tomorrow, Sunday I have rehearsal for Christmas eve, then another one on Monday, Tuesday Rik has reahearsal, and Wednesday is Chrismas Eve, then Thursday we are leaving to go out of town. So today it is!!
Piper is walking and talking now, She has been eating big girl food for a month now. She has such a personality now. She still is not sleeping through the night, but we know why. She loves to sing and clap her hands in worship on Sundays. She also loves to dance. I can't believe how big she is. Well here is our year in pictures!So technically this is 2007, but this is the day Piper was born. Dec. 29th, 2007 at 6:54 pm. I was in Labor for 12 hourswith no epidural, then 3 more hours with an epidural. Her heart rate started droppinginto the 20's and the 40's and mine into the 60's. My blood pressure fell dangerously low, and I was out of it. They decided to do an emergency c'section, and found out her cord was too short, if they hadn't done a c'section we both would have died.
Here she is minutes after she was born. Her respirations were too fast so they had to take her to the NICU. Luckily it was only for 6 hours. We brought her home New Years Eve.
This was in February the first time my mom babysat her away from our house.3 months
On March 27th we welcomed my beautiful nephew Timothy Wayne Leckie Jr. into the world. He was 2 weeks early and spent a week in the NICU, but is now healthy and happy!
In April, Rik got a new job at Fellowship Bible Church in Little Rock Arkansas. We packed up everything and moved in to the house above.
Here we are in May
In June with her cousin TJ
July 4th
September. Watching the Tigers!!
Halloween. She was a sock monkey!!
November. Her 1st Thanksgiving!
December!! Merry Christmas!
So we are having Christmas with my parents and then a party for Piper, then we are driving to Dallas and having Christmas with Riks parents and a party for Piper. Then we are driving home and on the 10th we will have a party for Piper here in Little Rock. I will post Pictures form all of them after the holidays.
Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a safe New Year!
Rik, Sarah, and Piper
Friday, December 19, 2008
Our Year in review, and Pipers first birthday
Told By Sarah Hedlund at 10:46 AM
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How sweet! Happy birthday to Piper.
Merry Christmas to all of you!
Like the new look....can't wait to see you guys!
I can't believe its been a year already!! Time goes by too fast.:(
My how time flies! So many changes in a year for all of us! What a great tribute to Piper, can't wait to see you all in a few days! This year may be our best Christmas ever!
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